The ‘F’ Word.

Liquid lipstick mastermind and a god who walks among us, Kylie Jenner, once said, “2016 is a year of realizing things”. As I sit on my bed finishing up this blog post I have been working on for months, I still cannot help but be terrified to post it. And I can’t help but hate myself for being scared. Joan of Arc went to battle at just 14 years old and didn’t let anyone stop her. Mary Shelley was 16 when she fathomed the idea that became Frankenstein. Maybe I’m another teenage girl with a crazy idea, but maybe that is okay. Today on January 21st, 2017, there are women all over the world marching for women’s rights. Though I may be in my bed in Missouri, I have so many thoughts running through my head. So here I am today ready to unapologetically go feminist all over.

For those of you who do not know me, I am Bailey Gerecke. I am a girl. I am straight (as far as I know). I have an unwavering love of comedy, movies, and dogs. I hate to lose. And I am a feminist. I look back on a tweet from years ago and I cannot believe I ever denied being one. 2016 was the year that I really resonated with my feminism and now I am so ready to take it farther in 2017. I want to share the biggest things I learned about feminism in 2016.

What the ‘F’ are we actually talking about?

I think we should kick this off with giving the definition of feminism. A lot of people genuinely believe that we are a bunch of women who are wanting to take the world from men. Part of me can’t believe that people are so ignorant, but part of me can see that society may tend to paint that picture. Feminism, as defined by the dictionary, is the advocacy of women’s rights based on the equality of the sexes. Feminism is not the belief that one gender should be put above the other. Feminists are not to be confused with misandrists. We aren’t fighting to take over the men, but we are arguing for our fair share. In short: Yes, I am a feminist. No, I do not think all men are evil.

My body. My choice.

To this day I am so beyond baffled that this is a lesson we have to continuously teach women. It seems like a no-brainer. 2016 was the big uproar over the Planned Parenthood defunding act. Planned Parenthood has been assisting humans with reproductive health services since 1916. They assist with STD testing, cancer screenings, and birth control. However, when people first hear “Planned Parenthood” the first thing that comes to their mind is abortion. What people don’t know is that abortions only take up about 3% of PP’s services. There are all sorts of reasons that women get abortions and every single one of those reasons is completely valid. People are using the argument that “you shouldn’t have sex if you don’t want to get pregnant.” What a load of shit. No one should be telling you what you can and cannot do. There is nothing wrong with having sex. There is nothing wrong about having an abortion. There is something wrong with feeling like you don’t have control over your body because people think that your life is less important than a bundle of cells that could potentially be a child.

Boys will be boys. No means no

The first is a phrase that we have heard for years. A phrase that has time and time again supported wrongful behavior from men. I feel like I need to preface again that I do not hate all men, but I do hate what some men think that they can do to girls. The second phrase is something that should be ingrained in every living human’s mind. I now attend college and a number of horror stories of rape and sexual assault that surround campuses is terrifying, to say the least. Rape culture has etched so many wrong messages into the minds of people everywhere. We are teaching women that it is their responsibility to not get raped. There are products that have great intentions to prevent rape like the “anti-rape underwear”, but if you think about it too long it becomes disturbing. This garment is essentially sending a message that girls need to take every precaution to avoid getting raped. Let’s quit putting the blame on the victims and start putting blame on the rapists. It’s been months and I still get worked up over Brock Turner. For those of you who don’t remember him, let me give you a refresher. This boy is a swimmer a rapist from Stanford who took advantaged of an inebriated girl. Turner faced up to 14 years in jail. His prosecutors asked for 6 years. The judge sentenced him to 6 months. He served 3 months. Some people do more time in jail for a first-time drug offense. Turner’s dad said that his son’s life would be forever altered. I hope with every fiber in my body that is true. I hope he never gets a moment of peace for the rest of his life because that girl he raped never will. While that case went to court, many don’t. More than 90% of rapes on college campuses go unreported. The reasons? They know their offender, they believe they won’t do it again, or they believe that nothing will be done. And that Brock Turner case isn’t making any girl feel better. Rape culture is teaching boys that what I’m wearing and the fact I’m nice to a boy is me “asking for it”. GIRLS DON’T OWE BOYS ANYTHING. Rape culture is teaching boys that rape is okay if no one finds out. I don’t want to have to leave my dorm at night armed with pepper spray, wearing my anti-rape underwear, and a constant fear that I’m going to be harassed on the 2-minute walk to my car. Girls have a right to feels safe.

Pay it equally.

Why the hell have we not fixed the wage gap? I know a lot of people believe that the wage gap is a myth so I encourage you to do your own research on the topic.  According to the American Association of University Women, the wage gap is up to women earning 80% of what men earn. That is a gap of 20%. Has the gap closed significantly in the last 60 years? Yes. But the progression of obtaining equal pay is slowing down significantly. If the rate continues with the speed it is currently traveling, then women will not close that wage gap until 2152.

Empowered women empower women.

Women have a visceral reaction to other women. Some can’t explain it, but women tend to feel the need to dislike other women with little to no reason. How unreasonable is that? For whatever reason, we see other women as competition and not as the members of the same team. My life became infinitely better when I quit viewing women as competition and started standing with them. I hear so many girls talk about how “she wears too much makeup”, “she sleeps with every boy”, or “her hair cut is too short”. We fail to remember that we as women know how hard it is to be judged in this society ran patriarchal world, but we are sitting there doing the same thing. Am I guilty of this? Absolutely. It is so hard to break what seems to be a habit that everyone has. What another woman does and how they live their life is not affecting me personally in any way. So why do I need to talk about her? She may live differently than I do, but we share this common connection of being women in this world. All I’m asking is for a little more kindness and understanding. Stand with other women, not against them.

The Election

The event that simultaneously tore our country apart, but brought a number of us together. I am not ashamed to admit that I was pretty positive that I was going to be a part of the first woman president. I had unwavering confidence that Hillary Clinton was not only the princess of pantsuits but going to run our country. And when I was wrong, I was absolutely heartbroken for more reasons than one. I realize that this sounds super melodramatic, but my reasons are completely valid. This was supposed to be the year of the woman. If we could have a female president, then we could officially show that women are capable of everything. The loss of Hillary made me question if a woman would ever be president. I was baffled that we were going to let our country be run by a man who said we should “grab women by the pussy”. A man who has been accused of rape. It looked as if women should just give up. But giving up is never an option. Is it extremely hard to think about moving forward when our loss was crushingly hard? Yes. But this gives us the reasoning to keep advocating for change and quit second guessing the mission. We are going to speak louder and not shut up like so many expect us to. I’m not going to sit here and shit talk Donald Trump because by now you should be able to infer my feelings about him. But may his newly won presidency bring the strongest, smartest, kick-ass, unapologetic wave of women this world will ever encounter. I’ve said it multiple times and I’ll say it again, the future is female.

My feminism was something I was very scared to be public with for a long time. I would keep it tucked away and only pull it out when it was convenient for the situation I was in. I didn’t want to annoy people with my beliefs and I was scared what people would think. My incessant need to be like was sometimes greater than my desire to make a difference in this world. I’m so happy to have grown so open and to be able to express my views in any way I view fit. And I understand that some girls/women are out there afraid to do the same. Not all feminist are public and loud with their views. Sometimes the smallest actions make the biggest waves. I’m just asking that you support equality among all people. Continue to grow. Continue to educate yourself and others. Continue to be unapologetic for believing in what is obviously right. Live by one of my favorite quotes,  “Here’s to strong women. May we know them, may we raise them, may we be them.” I can’t find who said this, but it doesn’t matter. It sounds brilliant and poetic, but really it’s just absolutely right.

Fight on feminism, fight on.



The Gerecke Family Reviews: “Home for the Holidays: A Friends Group Christmas”

If you want to listen before you read click here!


It’s that time of year when some of my good friends get together and produce some Christmas cheer! One of my best friends, Michael Berry does it again by releasing his 2016 Christmas album, “Home for the Holidays: A Friends Group Christmas”. Even though this album includes a bunch of my closest friends, as always I will try to remain unbias. Though this year I did think, “Bailey, you should bring in new people to review. Why should you harbor all your friends’ talent to yourself?” So that is exactly what I did. I decided to enlist the help of my family. The review will mainly consist of me, my sister (Brooke), and my wonderful mother. I did get a couple of comments from my father and little brother (Cooper). My grandma got through the first couple of tracks, so there is also a blurb from her in store!


The Story: This is the tale of the great blizzard of 2016 (which never actually happens, but nonetheless a really cool set up). For those of you who don’t know what “Friends Group” is, it is a group of 8 boys from Raymore/Peculiar, Missouri who are just a bunch of fun. Since FG has grown up, they are spread around Missouri attending different schools. Michael, Drew, Mattathias, and Nate all attend the University of Central Missouri, Sam attends Missouri S & T, Jonah now attends Mizzou, Loar is off being a doctor at UMKC, and that leaves our Cameron still at RayPec high school. All the boys are trying to get home to Raymore to attend Cameron’s annual Christmas party, but the elements of winter won’t allow them to leave. Meanwhile, in Raymore, Cameron faces the task of patching up Brandon’s Christmas when they ruined it by making fun of him for believing in Santa. Cameron starts to realize that he wishes the guys were here to help him out. The boys start to think maybe they’ve hit that time where they need to grow up and that they might be facing the end of Friends Group.

The Album: This album stands at a whopping time of 1 hour and 38 minutes, so if you desire to listen to it, then set aside some time! This is a good album for anyone who has an open sense of humor and a love of friendship. Sidenote, this album was all made in good fun and I understand that. Not all of the people on the album are singers, just a lot of friends trying to record something to remember forever. I may not get to every track, but I’ll do my best.

Track 1- “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas” by: Michael Berry, Jonah Desneux, Drew Brown, Cameron Perry, Nathan Endreshak, and Mattathias Davis

At this point in time, my family was still very confused on what I was having them do. My mom did giggle when they mentioned Jonah being alone in Colombia.

Bailey’s Thoughts: This is a classic way to start a Christmas album. Beautiful start to such a long album.

Track 2- “Silver Bells” by: Cameron Perry

Grandma: “Is he an actor? He sounds like an actor.”

“He’s a little tin ear, but I enjoy it!”

“This was done in a basement? It sounds really good!”

Mom: “Who usually sings this?” Me: “I think Bing Crosby.” Mom: “Okay because it sure isn’t Cameron.”

Brooke: “Mom, how do you feel about this?” Mom: “This is one of my favorite songs. They shouldn’t have.”

Cooper: *tries to sing along*

Brooke: “I just really love Cameron and this song made me hurt a little bit.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: This is a hard song and didn’t showcase how much stronger Cameron has gotten as a singer. But it was cute, Cameron is cute.

Track 3- “Mistletoe and Holly” by: Michael Berry


*Michael does voices* Mom: “He sounds good normally, why did he choose to do it that way?”

Grandma: “The diction is very crisp!”

Bailey’s Thoughts: Michael just sounds so cool on this track. Like this track makes me very happy and nostalgic. Michael can sing, but really it is just talking with some funky rhythm and beats.

Track 3- “Winter Wonderland” by: Drew Brown, Michael Berry, Mattathias Davis, Nathan Endreshak

Mom: “Drew sounds good.” Brooke: “Do you like Mattathias?” Mom: “I like Drew and Michael better.”

Grandma: “MATHIAS?! What happened to normal names like “Bob” and “Jim”?

Brooke: “Drew had such a cheery start! I love Mattathias’s flair in this one.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: This is just a feel good track. Everyone sounds so happy, except Mattathias, but it’s Mattathias. I find myself clicking on this one a lot.

Track 4- “Frosty the Snowman” by: Drew Brown

Mom: “I like Drew’s voice. He’s not trying that hard.”

Cooper: “I like it!” *dancing*

Grandma: “Old silk hat! Excuse me! He forgot his words!”

*Drew does his frosty voice* “I like this low shit he is doing.”

Bailey’s Thoughts:  Another classic and clean Drew Brown work!


Track 5- “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” by: Ian Flemming and Cameron Perry

Mom: “I like the girls in the background.”

“Cameron sounds better in this song, but the other boy is better than Cameron.”

“They are fantastic tappers!*”

Grandma: “Tap break! I like that! That is cute!”

(After the song they make fun of Brandon for believing in Santa)

Cooper: “That’s not nice!”

Brooke: “Ian sounds very Godly in this.”

*Disclaimer: They didn’t actually tap. It was all Michael and a pair of tap shoes.

Bailey’s Thoughts: Ian was such a good choice for Santa and did this song very well.

Track 6- “We Need a Little Christmas” by: Cameron Perry, Macee Blair, Logan Daniels, Trevor Diepenbrock, Kelley Shannahan, Jesse Turos, Ian Flemming, Nate Thurman

Brooke: “Trick or treat wasn’t funny.”

Mom: “Not the strongest song.”

“Oh god, they need to delete this one from the album.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: This song wasn’t my favorite. It just felt very busy and was a lot, but still a cute part of the storyline.

Track 7- “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” by: Sawyer Bletcher

*Dad comes in for the first time* Dad- “Stupid. Gay.”

Brooke: “He’s an actual singer.” Mom: “I mean he’s good, but I wouldn’t say he’s going to be a star.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: Always nice to have some actual singers on this album! Sawyer does a very classic version of this song and it was very pleasing.

Track 8- “Mele Kalikimaka” by: Bailey Pelland, Marie Kurucz, Emily Coffin

Mom: “I like this song. I hope they don’t screw it up.”

“I was waiting for it to be way worse. Those girls are good.”

Brooke: “Bailey Pelland: The man, the myth. the legend.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: I love me some Bailey Pelland.

Track 9- “Mistletoe” by: Nick Schneider

Mom: “Who is this?” Me: “Nick Schneider.” Mom: “I’m really enjoying this one a lot.”

“He probably isn’t as attractive as Justin Bieber.”

Brooke: “God… I wanted to hate this one.”

Bailey’s Thought: Wow. Nick did so well. Like Brooke said, I also wanted to hate this. Nick is so talented and this track is one I also click on a lot.

Track 10- “Hava Nigila” by: Nate Weber

Mom: “He does a really good job. He could be bullshitting his way through this, but he sounds very good.”

Brooke: “I heard them recording this one through the door and I was scared.”

Dad: “This is a Christmas album. What is this shit.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: Nate does it again! Nate’s singing voice is a whole other person and I always enjoy how hype it is.

Track 11- “You’re a Mean One Mr. Grub” by: Austin Loar, Nate Weber, Mattathias Davis, Drew Brown

Cooper: “Is his name Thor?”

Bailey’s Thoughts: I loved this one because it was so creative. It really gives you some background on this group of friends, but if you already know them it is a classic joke. Funny material!

Track 12- “Jonah’s Holiday Medley” by: Jonah Desneux

Mom: “I could have done without this one. They should have saved these songs for a greatest hits album.”

Brooke: “I wish they would have done the National Anthem.”

“I told Michael to not do Vick Valentine and to just make it Cupid.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: Okay, I’m indifferent about this one. While I am thrilled Jonah got a song after being nixed from the album last year, I’m not sure I loved this particular mix. I thought the songs were very funny, and the medley fits into the storyline. It was a little long, but I think it was also very well done and very creative. I loved the president song and Jonah killed “Monster Mash”.

Track 13- “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” by: Parker Hauptman, Nate Thurman, Logan Daniels, Trevor Diepenbrock

Mom: “Who is this?” Me: “Parker, Logan, Trevor, and someone else.” Mom: “Oh wow.” Me: “Do you like it?” Mom: *Shakes head* This is kind of hard to listen to.

Cooper- *runs away*

Brooke: “I… umm… I wanted more from a Blue Star winner, but I could really see Parker’s personality shining through.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: Wow. This reminds me of the one of “Where Are You Christmas” from last year’s album. It has its own feel and I think it is really fun, but in all actuality it is just some boys yelling into a mic.

Track 14- “Here Comes Santa Claus” by: Macee Blair, Cameron Perry, Jesse Turos, Ian Flemming

Mom: “I like the elves!”

Brooke: “One of the weaker tracks. They sure are trying!”

Bailey’s Thoughts: This one was okay! Jesse and Cameron as the elves was a silly touch. It was somewhere around this point that I started crying because if people ruined Brandon’s Christmas like this in real life I would be so sad for him.

Track 15- “Mary Did You Know?” by: Brandon Steele and Mattathias Davis

(Mattathias explains the birth of baby Jesus) Mom: “I mean… He is almost sort of right. Like he isn’t completely wrong.”

“All I can say is, God bless them both.”

Brooke: “Just a beautiful mixture of 2 different people.”

*We take a break to clean up Cooper’s Play-Doh*

Mom: “This gives me anxiety.” Me: “The fact Cooper mixed all of his Play-Doh or the album?” Mom: “Both.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: Wow. What a showstopper. Brandon and Mattathias were just a dynamic duo. I also like how they worked this one into the story.

Track 16- “Little Drummer Boy” by: Austin Loar, Nate Weber, Drew Brown, Michael Berry, Mattathias Davis

Mom: “That Loar kid sounds good.” Brooke: “He’s a doctor.” Mom: “He’s not a doctor”.

Brooke: “This was a heartwarming moment.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: This was a really cool version of this song. There was kind of a lot going on, but Loar did sound really good.

Track 17- “Jingle Bells” by: Sam Osborne and Jonah Desneux

Mom: “Woah that is a deep voice.”

“It’s nice to hear a halfway decent one after all of those.”

Brooke: “Sam glo’d up from last year’s album.”

“Why does Sam sing that low when he doesn’t talk that low?”

Bailey’s Thoughts: My first thought was “damn that is not how Sam sounds”. But then I remembered how much I didn’t like Sam’s song last year, but this one was such an improvement. So the winner for most improved goes to Sam!

Track 18- “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” by: Brandon Steele and Cameron Perry

Mom: “Brandon needs to not sing. I liked him silent in the musical.”

“I love Brandon so much. He is the Charlie Brown of the album.”

Brooke: “*deep sigh* he is loud.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: This is the song that made me laugh the hardest. Brandon was so silly in this song and while the singing was not too strong, the humor behind it made it so much fun to listen to. Brandon is my best friend.

Track 19- “The 12 Days of Friends Group Christmas” by: Michael Berry, Drew Brown, Cameron Perry, Jonah Desneux, Nate Weber, Sam Osbourne, Austin Loar, Mattathias Davis, Brandon Steele, Macee Blair, Parker Hauptman

Mom: “Why is there a Sprite bottle of Cameron’s pee?”

“I don’t understand some of the references, but I like it. They are a really good group of friends. Group of Friends… Friends Group… I get it.”

Brooke: “This made me very happy. I like it because I’m their friend, but I could see where people who didn’t know them would skip it.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: When the first album came out I was so excited because I thought maybe we would get some original songs from it, but we didn’t. This was exactly the thing I was looking for. I do agree that if you don’t know the boys, then you might skip the track. I did have one huge issue with this track: I wish it was solely sung by the member of Friends Group. The fact that there are added people make it a little less exclusive. Nonetheless, the creativity was appreciated and I could really sense all of the boys’s individual personalities in this track.

Track 20- “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” by: Michael Berry, Drew Brown, Cameron Perry, Jonah Desneux, Nate Weber, Sam Osbourne, Austin Loar, Mattathias Davis, Bailey Pelland, Nathan Endreshak, Nick Schneider, Emily Coffin, Julienne Graebner, Marie Kurucz

Mom: “It’s a great song to end the album. And it isn’t too God awful.”

Brooke: “Michael Buble did it better, but this is okay.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: Michael told me that they did this song again because it is my favorite, but I think he might have been lying. It is a really great ending to any Christmas album and always makes me shed a tear.

Bonus Track- “Auld Lang Syne” by: Michael Berry, Drew Brown, Cameron Perry, Jonah Desneux, Nate Weber, Sam Osbourne, Austin Loar, Mattathias Davis

Mom: “What a cheesy group of guys.”

Brooke: “I didn’t know this was a Christmas song.”

Bailey’s Thoughts: This was so touching. It made me so happy that there are such good friends in this world and made me happy that I’m a weird branch of this odd group.



Dad: “Stick to the Christmas tracks. No more non-Christmas. It was okay and horrible. How many of these guys are gay?” Me: “Ummm… I’m pretty sure none.” Dad: “Ha. Okay.” Rating: 4/10

Mom: “It was cute. There was a story and some good friends. I could have done without the medley. Only a mother could love Brandon.” Top 3 Songs: 1. “Mistletoe” 2. “Hava Nagila 3. “Auld Lang Syne”. Rating: 6/10

Cooper: “It was real good. I like it a lot!” Top Songs: 1. “Frosty the Snowman” 2. “The 12 Days of Friends Group Christmas”. Rating: 28/10 (He’s 3 years old)

Brooke: “This was a lot better than the first one. I am biased because I do know these guys. I just get really proud of everything Michael and Cameron do. I’d love to see this as a movie. ” Top 3 Songs: 1. “Mistletoe and Holly” 2. “Walking in a Winter Wonderland” 3. “Little Drummer Boy”. Rating: 8/10 (For the 8 members of FG!!)

Bailey’s Thoughts: Wow. What an album. It was very cool reviewing this because I was around a lot when Michael was making it. It’s hard to compare this one to “Michael and Cameron Sleigh Christmas” because both albums have such different feels. The first one felt raw and not trying so hard, while this one had such a put together feeling and a creative storyline. Production wise, this album really had it together. Minus a few volume issues, this one has a very clean sound. A lot of work was put into this album and it really shows. I’m endlessly proud of a lot of things Michael does, and this one doesn’t go unnoticed. I really enjoyed this album.

Top Songs: 1. “Winter Wonderland” 2. “Mistletoe” 3.”Mistletoe and Holly”  4. “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” 5. “Frosty the Snowman” 6. “Mary, Did You Know?” 7. “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”

Overall Rating: 8/10

Happy Holidays!




As much as it pains me to admit it, I did use this hashtag. 4 years ago to the day I tweeted 50 wishes (that’s right I haven’t been finishing things for practically my whole life) I had as an incoming freshman in high school. Looking back on these 50 wishes it completely amazes me how much I have changed as a human, but also maybe how much I haven’t changed. I will now go through each wish and write the current status of said wish. Buckle up and prepare for some 9th grade Bailey magic.

  1. To marry my best friend.

This is a very strong start for a 9th grader. I am actually appalled I tweeted this because why the hell was I thinking about marriage in the 9th grade? I didn’t even kiss a male until I was a junior in high school. While it is precious to see myself as a hopeless romantic, it is unbelievable how much my views have changed. I now no longer believe I have to be married. I don’t think I need to sign a paper to prove my love of another human. I know it sounds incredibly feministic, but it’s how I feel. Of course there is the possibility this changes, so I won’t completely count out marriage. I can’t wait to see.

2. To make the high school softball team.

What a positive one! Just weeks before I tweeted this I was actually cut from the high school softball team. While I admire 9th grade Bailey’s positive thinking and persistence, not making the high school softball team changed my high school career for the better. I never played the sport again, but I did find a potential career in speech and theater. I would love to go back and tell myself that in the future the most physical activity you do as a freshman in college is to climb 3 flights of stairs to your Advanced Composition class.

3. To get slimed on Nickelodeon.

I have nothing to say. This would still be incredible.

4. To have my son make it to the Little League World Series.

I can completely tell that I was tweeting all of these while watching the 2012 LLWS. Well surprise! 18 year old Bailey has no desire to have children. And if I get knocked up in the future, I would not force my kids to do an activity. If my son wants to play baseball, cool. If he wants to Speed Stack, even cooler!!

5. To just not have to worry about how I look.

I can’t say that this wish has completely come true, but it has certainly become less of a worry. I still do my makeup, dress nicely, and do my hair, but I only do that for myself to feel like a complete human. I do have times where I don’t brush my hair for days and don’t wear make up. I don’t worry about how I look, but I have learned to do what makes me feel good personally.

6. To own a lake house with (insert 9th grade BFF)

Okay, I still think owning a lake house makes for a pretty epic childhood. I do not think I should own it with my freshman best friend, because we took two very different paths and well… that would be weird.

7. Have a paint fight.

This never came true, but I don’t wish to try to get pain out of my hair.

8. To have the bravery to trust people.

It was at this point in my wish list that I’m frustrated about why I couldn’t wish for cool things like Disneyland or something. Anyway, still don’t trust a lot of people just because no one gives much of a reason to be trusted.

9. To be asked to prom/homecoming in a cute way.

Let me give you a break down of how I was asked to the 3 high school dances I attended.       -11th grade homecoming: I went with my gay best friend because I texted him the day before.                                                                                                                                                                    -11th grade prom: I got asked over the phone by my best friend while I was hanging out with a boy I liked at the time.                                                                                                                         -12th grade prom: I was sitting on the couch with a great friend of mine when he said “should we just go to prom together?”                                                                                                       Needless to say I have complete butterflies thinking about all these super romantic dance proposals.

10. Have a relationship like (insert couple at the time).

Spoiler: they broke up & I’ve barely been in a relationship.

11. To own a teacup pig.

I’d be fine holding on to this wish, but I would much rather have a golden retriever.

12. To know exactly where I am going in life.

THIS IS A WISH I WILL HAVE ALL MY LIFE. And I promise it will never come true. I do believe I have my shit a lot more together than I did when I was a freshman and I will pat myself on the back for that.

13. To not care what people think anymore.

This goes hand in hand with wish #5. It came true. I do things for me and not others approval.

14.To have no drama in high school.

LOL. This did not happen. I was bullied by a group at my high school called the “SuperFans” because I demanded an insulting homophobic football game theme be shut down. I was called a lesbian for weeks and booed at the homecoming assembly and game. However, I won the battle because the theme was demolished. Booyah

15. To be someone who will make a difference when no one else will.

This sort of pertains to the above drama, but this is still a wish I have for myself. I hope that I can continue standing up for things I believe in.

16. To be that person who is nice to everyone.

I would like to say this came true, but now I am a realist who calls people out on their shit.

17. To have someone write me 365 letters like Noah did for Allie.

No, *barfs*

18. To get my nose pierced.


19. Relive the moments where I could’ve done more.

This is pointless and has not come true because time travel still does not exist.

20. To be able to do math without a calculator.

To test his wish I took a quiz where I did long division in my head. I got 5/10… So like it half came true?

21. To break a world record.

I was in an audience where we all broke a record for most people to send the same text at the same time. Chalk that up as one that came true.

22. Hit a home run.


23. To not be afraid of saying what I feel.

This came true. I will say whatever whenever.

24. Ask a guy to prom.

This is one wish that I would have loved to do, but I never got around to it! Don’t be afraid of this ladies!

25. Go out of state with my girls <3.

While I never went with “my girls <3”, I did get to go to Salt Lake City, Utah with 9 of my best friends on my speech and debate team for nationals.

26. To understand football… #ButReallyThough

All I know is that a touchdown is 6 points and you can get one extra with a PAT.

27. Learn to slow dance.

Girl, you can’t slow dance, but you can whip like no other.

28. To have one marriage. And one marriage only.

Please refer back to Wish #1.

29. Have my hair be perfect when I wake up.

Well… I don’t know about perfect, but I learned to braid my hair while it was wet so I could just wake up and not have to brush it. So that’s a win in my mind.

30. Go to England.

Still wishing!

31. That time would slow down.

I’m the opposite now. I wish it would speed up because I cannot wait to be thrown into the real world.

32. Get a good tan.

Still pale.

33. To get through high school with a 4.0.

Close… 3.9!

34. To talk/get followed by/retweeted by Harry Styles.

It is 2016 and One Direction broke up… This wish is dead.

35. That no one would ever be judged.

This will always be a wish of mine. I hope one day we can live in a world where acceptance is something everyone can obtain. While it has not completely come true we have made so much progress in the 4 years after I originally tweeted this wish.

36. To go and watch the World Series.

This one is super cool! While I haven’t gotten to watch the WS happen in person, I did get to watch the Royals win it all in 2015 with my family! I think I can take that as a wish come true.

37. To not be a picky eater.

I am still ordering chicken fingers at 4/10 restaurants I go to.

38. To be able to go to sleep without my thoughts keeping me up.

The only things that keep me up now are the people in my dorm and Netflix. The occasional thought slips in, but I have learned the importance of sleep.

39. To never be the stereotypical girl.

I don’t think I am your average girl, but that’s the kind of thing usually said by an average girl. The human I am is one that I am decently happy with, so I am content.

40. To be the cool mom.

I have no kids or the desire to have them. This one is pending.

41. To die completely happy.

Well I haven’t died yet, so I will keep you posted.

42. Be known in high school.

I get lots of likes and retweets on my Twitter, so I think I did this one justice.

43. To understand guys… #SeriouslyThough

I have finally learned that it’s not trying to understand males as a group, but males individually. There are certain people who make it hard to get them, but I won’t subject all boys to that.

44. For everyone to know they can come to me when no one will listen.

I’m still a very open listener, but I am not that great of an advice giver. The offer still stands though!

45. To turn my life around starting now. I will be a change in the world.

This is bold and totally still pending. I just started taking my own trash out. Baby steps.

46. To never miss church.

Awkward. Not only did I stop going to church, but I no longer practice any religion. Wacky.

47. To not be perfect… But perfect for someone else.

I am so glad that 18 year old me is so proud that I no longer care about what other people think. I am not perfect, but I definitely feel no need to be perfect for another human.

48. To have a softball field named after me.

This one is dumb and I can tell I was running out of wishes.

49.  Teach underprivileged girls to play softball.

This would be cool if I hadn’t have quit. Cute thought though.

50. Write a story about my life.

This is still on my wishlist. I can’t wait to share my hilarious misfortunes with an audience of readers. Which is essentially what I do on here. So in a way, this wish is coming true here. How cheesy.



There are the 50 wishes I made on Twitter 4 years ago. While some went in the trash, others came true. I now have less wishes for myself and more goals. Thank you for reading! I WISH you a good day!


20 Things I Learned in 4 Years of Public High School.

1. High School Classes Prepare You For Nothing.

Now I realize this sounds incredibly harsh, but it’s very true. In 20 years you aren’t going to remember the distance formula, or when Napoleon died, or the parts of the plant cell… You’ll remember the life lessons your peers and teachers taught you. It’s important to listen to your teachers to not only pass the class, but for wisdom. Teachers have dealt with a lot of students and they always seem to know exactly the advice to give. So while copying down info about Mark Twain, copy some advice from those who surround you.

2. The Friends You Walked In With Aren’t the Ones You’ll Leave With.

I had a group of friends when I started high school that I swore I would be literal “bff’s” with forever. They were the girls and guys that were over at my house everyday during summer break. I joined the speech team and all of my other friends did things that consumed way less of their times. That’s where my friendship with them faded. Let me be the first to tell you, HIGH SCHOOL CHANGES PEOPLE. You all go off into different sports and activities and suddenly lose time to throw the old fire pits and dance parties like you used to. YOU’RE ALLOWED TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS. If you’re friends with people who can accept that, then you aren’t friends with the right type of people. And if you lose your original friends, then that’s okay. You don’t have to go cut up every picture of them, because it isn’t the memories that change… It’s the people in them.

3. Mental Health Days Are Real

In high school it always seems like mental health is put on the back burner. Since teenagers are so young and so often seen as “complainers”, some don’t see the real problems. You’re allowed to take a day off to let your brain rest. You’re allowed to take a day to feel better about yourself. Breaks are important. 

4. You Don’t Have To Be Popular To Have Fun!

Shocker!! Going into high school I knew I shouldn’t believe everything I see in movies, but in the movies the losers sit at home. Reflecting back to my freshman year, I tried so so hard to fit in. But I grew out of that and had plenty of fun with my plain friends! And it’s weird, in my senior year the prom & homecoming courts weren’t filled with the popular girls I would have expected in 8th grade. And both years I went to prom I saw the popular girls sitting at tables and not dancing. While you might not be out partying every weekend, you can still have fun.

5. Speak Your Beliefs

If you honestly feel like something in your environment is wrong, then speak up. It’s 2016 and more things are being widely accepted, so you should help others to understand. Yes you might get some backlash on Twitter, but I promise that though it may seem like the whole school is against you… A lot of them are with you.

6. Homecoming Is Gross. Prom Is Less Gross.

Avoid the disgusting “twerk train” by forming your own dance circle on the edges of the floor.

7. You Never Truly Outgrow Games

My friends and I range from the ages of 16-19 and we still play “What Are The Odds”, “F**k, Marry, Kill”, and Presidents when we are bored. Fun is fun.

8. Not Crying Doesn’t Equal Not Caring

I walked from class to class on my final day of high school and felt absolutely no sadness. I truly believe that I was ready to leave my high school and pursue my next chapter in life. Keep in mind that I was very heavily involved in my school. I think senior year is so hyped up to be sad, but really you get so many chances to close some chapters and open new ones.

9. Positivity Makeover

It’s a good character trait to have a general positive outlook on life. It is not a good trait when you try to make everything positive. Coming into high school I was such a nice and positive human… Boy did that change. I learned that not everything that happens is good and that you can’t always make the bad into light. Sometimes you have to suck it up and be a realist. Accept the negative. You don’t have to embrace it, but you must accept it.

10. Pics Or It Didn’t Happen

TAKE PICTURES. You’ll want those memories to look back on. Take pictures with your friends. Take pictures of activities. Take pictures to capture the essence of your high school time. You’ll be thankful you did.

11. Literally NO ONE Peer Pressures You To Do Drugs/Alcohol

Trust me I waited. Thanks for nothing DARE.

12. Grades Don’t Determine Your Intellegence

Let the record show that I never did a single piece of math homework at home and I never knew what was truly going on with geometry, but I managed to get a B every year. This is no difference than someone taking a test and failing. Some people get nervous testing and that’s okay. While the ACT is important, it does not necessarily dictate your future. Colleges will look at it once and honestly ACT scores are becoming more and more overlooked. Still, keep your grades up because you can get some sick scholarships.

13. Prepare For Every Climate

My high school was an open campus and you could tell it was raining when kids came in drenched. Always carry an umbrella or jacket. Jackets are incredibly helpful because one classroom is nice, but another feels like the North Pole.

14. “Senioritis” Is So Real

For some it will hit week 2. For others it will hit right after Christmas break. It will hit you. Push through, fam.

15. Relationships & Shits

I personally never stressed about boys. I know girls do, but I was never one. High school relationships are a double edge sword. You may find your true love (it’s not impossible). Or you cause drama. You don’t need a relationship in high school. YOU DONT NEED A DATE TO THE DANCE. My sister went to prom ALONE and won Prom Queen. Be you. High school boys tend to be trash, so be cautious. Do what is healthy for you.

16. You’re Allowed To Stay Home

You don’t have to go out every weekend. You’re allowed to stay in your bed and binge watch Survivor.

17. 4 Quarters Are Better Than 100 Pennies

This is a lesson my debate coach taught me. Basically find a group of a few friends who get you vs a large group that you’re trying to get. You’ll have so much more fun with people who will take late night drives to McDonalds vs those who you can never find plans with.

18. Face The Facts

Honestly no one will notice the pimple that popped up on your chin more than you. Everyone gets acne.

19. Read The Books In English

The books your English teachers assign actually aren’t that bad. Okay I lied… Huckleberry Finn completely blew, but I still read it. Reading classics can be beneficial because you broaden your book list, classics don’t die so your kids could read them, and book questions frequent on trivia nights.

20. These May Not Be The Best 4 Years Of Your Life

And that is OKAY! Not everyone peaks in high school. Maybe some years were better then others. When you look at it now you could recall all the petty fights, drama, and homework… But that’s not what you’ll remember in the future. While these may have not been the most amazing 4 years, it is 4 years that you will remember. I’m not going to sugarcoat it and say “life gets better”, because I’m not sure it does. But life does give you more opportunities and you can make what you want with them. High school may have sucked and that’s okay. 
To the class of 2016: Congrats on making it through 4 years of high school. Some of you will become doctors, some teachers, and some may not amount to anything. That’s okay. You made it through this far and you might as well keep going. So go throw your hats and try not to throw away your future.

Another Bailey Review: Dead Meat

“Dead Meat” is describe by its creator as: “Drew and Michael’s world is turned upside down when they learn that over night, the world around them has become a Zombie Apocalypse.” Another work of art brought to you my friends in Raymore.

“Dead Meat” is directed by my friend, Michael Berry. Michael is a senior at Raymore Peculiar High School and is the owner of Like A Fox Studios. Like A Fox Studios has come out with a number of short films like “The Shawshank Suspension” and “Baking Bread”, but “Dead Meat” is the very first full length film. 

I will be referring by character name a lot so I’ll go ahead and post the cast list:

Michael- Michael Berry

Drew- Drew Brown

Sam- Sam Osborne

Nate/Chase- Nate Weber

Grant- Sawyer Bletscher

Warren- Brooks Mackender

Wayne- Mattathias Davis

Zeke- Dane Schnake

Crocky- Jonah Desnuex

Hoyte- Cameron Perry

Natalie- Julienne Graebner

Parker- Parker Hauptmann

A number of extras were castes to play various zombies as well.

As usual before I give my final rating I will go through the pros and cons of the film. I tried my best not to be biased considering these guys are my friends, but given that this is my 4th time watching “Dead Meat” I could finally pick through it.


1. The group that is Sam, Nate, Michael, and Drew are a very personable all boy friends group complete with jokes, video game talk, and dumb hair cuts. The group is a very relatable and brings an aspect of normality to an otherwise not so normal story. I know most of these boys and the chemistry is just as good on screen as it is off screen.

2. One of my favorite parts of this movie is the soundtrack. The songs were very well picked and appropriate. And I’m a sucker for “You Make My Dreams Come True” by Halls & Oates.

3. Quite a few nods to spongebob in this movie. “Old Bold and Brash” as well as some of the classic music makes their appearance. Cute.

4. The comedy in this movie is very well done. You can tell the boys had a lot of fun creating humor that fit the script and it all fits rather well. I think it’s a type of comedy that all ages can get into.

5. The montage is one of the best parts of the movie. Again, “You Make My Dreams Come True” is never a bad choice for a montage jam.

6. I really enjoyed the acting of everyone in the movie. Everyone was well cast and did the script justice in the comedic and dramatic scenes. The cast was personable, well rehearsed, and over all good actors.


1. Small thing, but throughout the whole movie I was very curious to where the whole zombie epidemic got started. I know the movie opens with 3 little girls infected, but there is never clarification to how that happens. Also where the heck are any adults? It didn’t play too much of a problem for me, but just enough to make the list.

2. Technically the movie is pretty decent for a homemade movie. I had a couple of issues here and there with lighting and camera stability, but nothing to major. Considering the whole movie was filmed and edited by high school student errors were to be expected, but overall it was alright.

3. I find it weird that part way through the movie Sam and Natalie (played by Julienne Graebner) and drew get haircuts. Continuity errors are expected when you’ve been filming for “um years” as told to me by cast member Jonah Desnuex.

4. Make up was okay, but could have been utilized better. “The I like turtles kid had better make up.” -Brooke Gerecke

5. 1 word: injuries. Drew’s arm magically healed? Michael has no major concussion? Sam & Nate escape a dramatic road incident with no problems on them or the car? Not realistic, but it was a goofy additive to the goofy movie… I mean Dead Meat.

6. Couple of character breaks here and there, but expected when you think you are as funny as these boys think they are.

7. The teenage girl in me wished that Natalie and Michael’s love story could progress more, but I get its a zombie movie and not a Nicholas Sparks movie.

Follow ups:

I think if any character should get a spin off it’s Carlos played by Brandon Steele. Irrelevant, but still. I also really enjoyed Parker’s character a lot in the movie. Natalie, Grant, and Warren were also very well portrayed and I enjoyed watching their performances. 


I think the fact that a troupe of high school kids could pull off a full length film is just incredible. The movie is relatively well done. Of course there were flaws here and there, but overall these kids should be proud of their product. I’ve enjoyed the movie every time I’ve watched it and I’m glad I got to be there for the premier. My rating is solely based off of my unbiased opinion and the thought of improvement. I also altered my harsh movie scale to fit to a homemade movie, which I haven’t seen many of, but I figured it wouldn’t be fair to judge this movie on my regular scale. Congratulations to the cast and crew of the movie. I cannot wait to see more.

Rating: 6/10

If you would like to watch the movie it has been broken down into 13 parts on YouTube. Click HERE for episode 1 and watch the full movie.


18 Things I Learned By 18


With adulthood rapidly approaching I have decided to reflect on some very important thing I learned by my 18th birthday (cough, January 29th, cough). The things I’ve learned have been taught by family, friends, mentors, strangers, and myself. I hope you can learn something as I have in my long, tiresome, incredible 18 years on this Earth.

1.If you disappoint someone it is not your fault.

Despite my almost emotionless outer shell, I am and will always be a people pleaser. It took me forever to learn that it is almost impossible to satisfy everyone I come in contact with. You’re always going to disappoint someone and that is okay. Just don’t disappoint yourself.

2.Commit to the bit.

I am a strong lover of comedy. A group of friends who share my love of all things absurd and funny have come up with the manta “Commit to the bit”. If you’re going to make a joke or pull a stunt, then you have to full on pursue it all the way. This has taught me to just have fun with comedy and not try to take anything too seriously.

3.Bangs are fun for like a week.

As I was going down memory lane on my Facebook I got to encounter my many phases of bangs and not one was very pretty.

4.Don’t waste your time faking that you like something to fit in.

I can’t count the number of bands, book, TV shows that I have forced myself into so I could fit in with my friends. It’s a pathetic attempt to try and fit in with people who are very different from you. And it’s okay to have different tastes from people. You don’t have to like country music or the show Pretty Little Liars. On the flip side, it is okay to love things everyone else loves. You don’t have to think it is too “mainstream”. Heck, I still love One Direction. Like what you like, and hate what you hate. You don’t have to be ashamed.

5.You need people.

I used to, *cough* still *cough*, go through these weird phases where I wouldn’t text anyone, talk to anyone, and I would ultimately just close myself off and watch bad MTV shows. What all of this taught me is that it is okay to need people. You aren’t going to get rid of your problems by watching “My Life As Liz” and shutting off your phone. Sometimes you need to talk about your problems, which I still have a problem doing. Talk to someone.

6.Believe in something.

Over the past 18 years I have struggled with religion. I tried church and I tried not church and I still don’t know what’s going on, but I did get a lesson out of all of it. You don’t have to believe in a higher power, you don’t have to believe in luck, you don’t have to believe in microwaves, but you have to believe in something. While this is still something I struggle with, I have learned to start believing in myself.

7.If you decide to be the funny one, then you’ll be marked that forever.

Sometimes people don’t take you seriously, but you still get a ton of laughs and likes on your tweets. Compromise.

8.No one will ever have their future completely figured out.

In 8th grade I was handed a paper with a bunch of blank boxes that were supposed to represent my 4 year plan in high school. I look back at that idiotic piece of paper and laugh because my classes changed so much. Not to mention that I’m going to college this fall and I still have inquires about what I’m going to major in. Hell, it took me a couple months to decide on a college (Choose Red)! You’re allowed to change your mind. Hopefully life doesn’t hand me a piece of paper titled “Your Forever Plan” because I think the only thing I could write with confidence is “own a dog, probably 2.”

9.Hoes before bros.

Ladies, this is important. Sometimes boys are going to get in the way and we need to remember that sometimes watching bad movies and getting lost on 2am drive is better than hanging out with dumb boys or making out with f*** boys.

10.You can sleep when you’re dead.

My mom told me this phrase for the first time when I was in the 3rd grade and I have remembered it ever since. Why waste your time doing nothing when you could be doing anything else. This has since become our mantra for vacations. Instead of sleeping in hotel room we go out and conquer wherever we are.

11.Buzzfeed quizzes are not always going to be accurate, but sometimes they are.

Sure, they might have completely missed the mark by guessing I’m a Sagittarius based off of my music preferences, but they nailed me when they guessed my favorite princess was Ariel.

12.Take lots of pictures.

My mother taught me how to smile and pose for photos at a young age. Looking back at totes full of pictures I am so happy to have memories on file. Take a bunch of selfies, take candids of your friends, take pictures of your food, take pictures of scenery. Capture what will make you remember.

13. Eyebrows are so important.

This needs no explanations. Shout out to many YouTube tutorials.

14.Look good for you.

Thinking back on my horrid middle school days I think of all the mornings I struggled to curl my hair and carefully plan outfits to impress my friends. As a senior in high school I wear whatever is clean or I feel comfortable in. When I do dress up or put on a little more make up than usual it’s for myself rather than society.

15. Nothing compares to the feeling of wearing a suit.

I can not begin to explain the confidence that is felt when you are walking around in a nicely tailored suit. I would like to give a shout out to my pink suit for giving me more confidence than any self help book ever could.

16. Watch as many movies as you can.

There are so many movies I have watched on a whim that I have loved so much. My grandfather passed on his passion for random movies to me and for that I am grateful.

17. Goals first. Dreams second.

In middle school I had big dreams of being on Broadway while simultaneously being the weather girl, but then I learned to set goals. I stopped dreaming and started realistically thinking about my life. I think that is when my depressing realism started. As soon as you accomplish what you need to, then you can focus on making a dream come true.

18. Perfectionism is overrated.

I have learned that not everything will always end up pristine and that sometimes you need to live by the motto “good enough”. Don’t stress small details.


Though I have learned quite a bit more like the quadratic formula, that grey nails look amazing, and that vanilla Dr. Pepper is a new religion, these were 18 of the things I could think of being the most important. While January 29th rapidly approaches I can just sit back and hope that the quiz I took at age 7 was not true and I will get to live way beyond the age of 18.


2015: A Year of Growth and Sub Par Humor.

It comes that time where I sit down with my iPhone 4 (I’m stuck in 2012) and I scroll through my memories. While 2015 has consisted of a copious amounts of loss friendships, failures, and eating too much dip, I am not here to reflect on the bad. I’m here to reflect on what made my 2015… um… decent?

I’ll do a nice old fashion count down so we can relive my year together.

15. Junior Year Prom


As Vice President of the 2015 Junior Class I got to plan prom side by side with my sister, Brooke (the president). We spent a ton of free time picking themes, decorations, and all sorts of tacky things. We got to skip school and go taste test the food, which is never a bad time. Prom ended up being like every other lame school event, but it wasn’t as bad as I originally expected.

14. Real Life Big Brother


The above picture is Brooke and I pulling an “Audrey” while being the first two on the block in Real Life Big Brother. This was a game hosted by my nerdy friends in Raymore. I ended up being the first one voted off the game and I assume it’s because I was a huge threat. You’ll hear more about this group later, but for now I would like to send a huge “F” you to those boys & a lot of love to out beautiful host “Julie Jen”.

13. Our 4th One Direction Concert.


Brooke and I have been to every One Direction concert they’ve ever had. We aren’t very cliche teenage girls, but One Direction is our weak spot. We had a blast jamming to the hits of their 4th album, but lets be real… nothing will ever beat the “Take Me Home Tour”.

12. Accepted to the University of Central Missouri


With graduation quickly approaching it was time to make some decisions on where I want to educate for the next 4 years of my life. There was a battle between UCM and Rockhurst University. After touring the campus and meeting with the theater officials, I finally CHOSE RED! I’m very excited to continue my theater education and room with my sister.

11. How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying/Blue Star

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While this was not my (or a lot of people’s) favorite show we have put on, H2$ will always hold a very special place in my heart. This was the first musical I got to run the soundboard for and it truly ended up being my passion. I’m so incredibly grateful that I got to work this show with the lovely “Crewnited States of Crewmerica”. I am such a firm believer that we have one of the best crews around. This show was also our most Blue Star nominated show. It was an honor being apart of it.

10. Cell Block 6

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How did this group form? After seeing UCM’s ‘Spring Awakening’ we ditched the boys and stood in the parking lot and screamed the lyrics to Chicago’s ‘Cell Block Tango’. These 5 girls helped me make some of my favorite memories during the summer. From nonsense talks in the basement, to vandalizing the boys’ cars, to our late night drives that always ended up in Buckner. Though I’m not as close to most of them anymore I will cherish the memories we made. Thank you for laughing at my dumb jokes and thinking the boys were dumb.

9. 17 Years Old and Finally Licensed


After countless driving lessons with my mom, I passed my drivers test on my first try! I now drive my beautiful 2006 Red Equinox named Ariel Mattathias.

8. God of Carnage


As a junior I had the honor of co-directing the first one act that came out of BSHS in a long time. I got to direct this with a guy I admire and love dearly, Elijah Reynolds. After compromising on this script that we both liked we casted and almost killed ourselves pulling this show together. Eli was the nice director, while I was the mean one. Though we didn’t qualify we ended up placing 3rd, which was so much better than we ever expected. So glad I got to be apart of it!

7. Hilda Hatchet


Out of all the moments on the list, this might one of the ones I am the most proud of. When I learned that Claire chose “Dogsbreath Deveraux” as her one act I only had one role I knew I wanted, Hilda Hatchet. Hilda was the evil, ugly, nasty nurse who was in love with the main character. I told everyone I wrote down, auditioned, at got one role. This was my first and last lead role and I am so excited I got to do it. Hilda brought out a different side of me and I loved playing her for the short time I got to. Hilda taught me that the more you come out of your shell, the more fun acting is. Thank you Claire for seeing this tech girl’s potential and allowing me to play my favorite role ever.

6. “Miss Electricity”


Everyone on my speech and debate team has wanted me to do an HI since I was a freshman. I never had time, but this year I picked up my baby “Miss Electricity”. I have never sweat so much performing a piece until this year. I love getting to tell Violet’s story every weekend. Every weekend I break semi-finals, but never finals… and I’m okay with it. I just thoroughly enjoy doing this dumb event. And it’s great reassurance that I’m hilarious.

5. Twitches Take Districts


Okay so we didn’t take “Twitches”, but we did take a piece that was very near and dear to our hearts. We stressed out, argued, and had a lot of fun going to districts together. We didn’t qualify, but we made our goal and learned so much. I will cherish nothing more than doing duo with the best partner I was given.

4. Homecoming Princess

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Who would have thought I would have been nominated for Homecoming Princess? It started as a joke and took off from there. This was also the week I was bullied for standing up for my beliefs and ultimately shutting down the gay shaming football theme. Though it was a hard week, it certainly was a rewarding one. Thank you to everyone who supported me and a HUGE “F” YOU to everyone who tried to hold me back. Look how great I looked.

3. Winning Dowling


This was my 3rd year attending the Dowling Tournament in Des Moines, Iowa and I had one goal in mind: place in something. When I was a sophomore I received 2nd place in prose and that was the highest I’d ever gotten in Iowa. I went to Dowling this year TRIPLE ENTERED. I took my HI, POI, and Prose. Then tragedy struck… I lost my voice. I thought that did me in for my final go around at Dowling. To my surprise I double broke to semi finals in POI and Prose. Very shortly after I gave a decent performance in both I saw I broke to finals in Prose. It was like a repeat of sophomore year all over again. Before I went into the round Mrs. Young’s son gave me the best advice ever, “This is your last time at this tournament ever. You might as well win this mother f****er.” That line now holds a place in my heart. I was the only funny prose in the room and I naturally owned it. When I was standing on stage and didn’t hear my code called for 2nd place I immediately burst into tears. I MEAN LOOK AT THAT TROPHY. So incredibly proud that I got to redeem myself. Thank you Dowling for treating me well.

2. The Infamous GroupMe Game.


The above picture is me and the host, Jonah Desenaux on finale night. This was a dumb Big Brother/Survivor type game that we all played over text message. I lost so much sleep over this game. Though it was stressful I made some great friends through the stupid game including: Drew, Hannah, Cole, and Logan. It was the worst game, but it was the funnest dumb thing I got to be apart of. I had so much fun playing this game with people who shared my love for strategy and humor. Thank you, nerds. AND I DIDN’T GET VOTED OUT FIRST.

Before I reveal #1 let’s look at some honorable mentions. I wish I could put in a slow motion like on America’s Funniest Home Videos, but I’m too lazy.

Honorable Mentions:

-Learning to tie my shoes

-Getting nominated for Jonah’s humor awards.

-Perfecting my guacamole recipe.

Okay those were all kind of jokes, but now the #1.


1. Getting Elected President of the BSHS Speech and Debate Team


This is a position I’ve wanted to hold so badly for 4 years. I’m so honored to be able to lead the program that I truly love. I’ll write more about it at the end of 2016, but I truly believe that I get to lead one of the best teams ever. I’m so proud of everything we have accomplished this year and have yet to accomplish.


Well those were Bailey’s Top Moments of 2015. I can’t wait to see if 2016 gets any better. Thank you to everyone who was apart of my life in 2015. Whether you made it worse, better, funny, or sad… You made it a year to remember. I hope.

My Review on “Cameron and Michael Sleigh Christmas”.

I might have made a mistake coming into this album listening with a headache, but nevertheless I made it through the entirety of “Cameron and Michael Sleigh Christmas”. These boys are the epitome of the idea that “anyone can record a Christmas album”. There were several hidden gems, but also some rocks that maybe should have stayed hidden. I would rank all of the songs, but that might require me to go back and listen to them again, so instead I will reveal my top 6 with explanations.

Top 6

6.Sleigh Ride (ft. Drew): Drew did very well delivering this song. It may have been one of the cleanest on the album. I find Drew’s voice oddly soothing and decent. I would have maybe liked to see some more humor out of the boys for this song, but overall well done.

5. Where Are You Christmas (ft. Logan and Trevor): something about this odd rendition of the usually sad song made me laugh. The song was almost done in a very angsty early 2000’s boy band fashion. I enjoyed it more than I expected.

4. Christmas Shoes (ft. Mattathias): Mattathias nailed this song. I felt so much emotion coming from this guys soul (it’s funny because he is also a red head). Mattathias totally embodied and impersonated the original singer. Very well done. Almost brought me to tears, but then I remembered this is a Christmas album recorded by some nerds.

3. Dreidel (ft. Nate): Nate brings a ton of hilarity and emotion to the album in just under a minute with this Hanukkah classic. Though he isn’t Jewish I like to think that Nate did the community proud with this little number. I’ve never heard a lad so hype to spin a wooden top.

2. The Christmas Song (ft. Sawyer): Does this one even need an explanation?

1. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas: I might be biased, but this is my favorite Christmas song of all time. It also happened to be the ending song, praise Jesus (who was featured in track 2). I think this was a nice sentimental wrap up to the album and had that nostalgic feel that this song needs.

Problems I had with the album:

-Why did Jonah not get his own song? This was perhaps my #1 tragedy. It seems like all of “Friends Group” got a song except Jonah. Yes he got speaking roles, but I wanted to see if we could uncover some talent from the kid. I feel like his humor could have added something. Oh and I guess Loar didn’t get a song, but I don’t really know him so that doesn’t phase me.

-Some of the microphone work was a little off. That’s to be expected with first albums though. Also I think someone coughed into the mic? That was weird.

-I would have liked to see the individual personalities of the boys come out more. These are funny guys and I feel like we lost some chances for humor with so much concentration on some singing. But I did enjoy the humor I was given.

Final Conclusions:

I enjoyed this album a lot. I like seeing what these boys come out with. One of my favorite things (And trust me there weren’t many)* was the little narrations between songs. The album was a pretty raw and realistic view of these boys. It was no Michael Buble, but it might rank in my top 8 Christmas albums. I hope on the next one to see some original songs or perhaps just funny bits in classic songs. Producing a 16 track album is hard, but these boys kind of did it. The comedy within theses boys will always be some of my favorite. Well done Michael, Cameron, Friends Group, and some others.

Overall Rating:



*A joke. Probably.

Bruised Tailbones, College, and Unexpected Princess: The Summary of My Past 2 Weeks.

hoco rock lock

These past 2 weeks have been quite the interesting mix of events. I’ll start with last week. Grab some peanut butter and bread because this post is jam packed!

September 8th – September 12th

Tuesday: The whole week started when I woke up on Tuesday not feeling my best, but since I am quite the trooper (and by that I mean that my personal finance teacher would have hated me if I missed another day) I went about my day. After getting ready I started to pack my lunch and the last thing I remember was opening our pantry to get Cheez-Its, then I proceeded to black out. I used to black out a lot, but I thought I’d got it under control. One of the problems in life I have is that I don’t take very good care of myself when I’m sick. I’ll learn one day when I die from it, probably. Well, when I fell i landed straight on my butt and the whole day was literally a pain in the ass. I ended up bruising my tailbone. So if you’ve seen me around school with a pillow it’s because sitting is very painful.

Friday: On Friday night I attended my final speech and debate lock-in. This was the my first big “last” of senior year. But of course something had to go wrong for me. I lost my voice. To anyone else that might be okay, but I am president of the SPEECH team. That means all I do is talk and no one wants to sound like a 68 year old chain smoker when she’s supposed to perform her duo in front of the whole team. Well I did and it went fine. I’m very thankful I could have a duo partner as great as my sister, she made duo a little less painful for me over the years and for that I am forever grateful. Our lock-in went from 9pm to 2am which is just a horrific time to have any school function, but I’m so glad I got to spend my last lock in with my fantastic senior class.

Saturday: When the lock-in ended at 2am some of the seniors decided we were hungry and where is the only quality place open at that early hour? Waffle House. After going and eating waffles in our suits and having conversations with many drunk couples we all parted ways and finally hit the hay. I slept from 4am to 1pm and then napped from 2pm to 6pm. I was conscious for one hour of daylight, I was both proud and disgusted with myself.

September 14th to September 18th

(the only relevant things happened Wednesday to Friday so we’ll skip the first 2 days.)

Wednesday: While sitting in my debate class we were given a link to vote for homecoming court, something which I was never a huge advocate for since I always thought it was a popularity contest. Our speech and debate team likes to do this thing where we all push for one person on our team and our goal for this organized school function was to push Ari and Brandon to the top of the court. Here’s the catch, you have to nominate 2 people. Since no one could think of a second girl some of us put “Hilary Clinton” and some of us put “Brailey Gerke” a butchered version of mine and Brooke’s names together. Well to everyone’s surprise Hilary didn’t make it, but I did. While I was thrilled I had a nervous thought that said, “Shit, I might have to actually go to a football game.” I’m a senior and high school and I’ve been to a total of 2 football games, it’s just not my scene and I don’t understand why the student section doesn’t wear our school colors. I thought about not telling my mom, but she was subbing in the nurses office that day and heard it. 10 girls were nominated and 6 girls would be voted on to the court on friday.

Thursday: We had our personal finance interviews, which is essentially a mock interview where random adults come in and pretend like they are going to hire you for their company. Here’s one thing I learned: You’re only relevant in the world if you’re planning to be a cop, a medical profession, or a business major. Those kids got to go into interviews with only 10 minutes of waiting, but me a technical theatre major had to wait 1 hour. I ended up interviewing with a very clueless lady who loved theatre, needless to say I got the job and the only perfect score in my class.

Friday: The day of homecoming court voting. I reminded people to vote, but didn’t push too much. While taking my math quiz over factoring the announcements came on and my name was on the senior princess list. I kept telling everyone that the only reason I wanted to win was so I could be popular again for a day, but to my surprise the regular “popular” girls who are usually on the court didn’t make it. I am so pleased with this years court. Every girl is such a genuine human and are all diverse. Also, I am very thankful I get to share this experience with one of my best friends, Harper. And also over half of our senior forensics class was nominated and I can’t wait to take on hoco week with them. When I got home from school an envelope was waiting for me on the counter. I got accepted to one of my top colleges, Rockhurst University! I was also awarded the highest academic scholarship. I haven’t decided on a college yet, but I can’t wait to visit! I’M GROWING UP! On Friday night we had our speech and debate fundraiser, Comedy City. It was a funny improv show and the turn out reminded me on how rewarding it is to be the president of such a great program. Friday was the best day I’ve had in awhile.

I’ll keep you posted on what I gain from being princess. Look out for that blog post because I’m sure it’ll be an interesting one! And that’s what you missed in My Bailey Life.

A Little Less Cool Than Dog with a Blog.

We all get to that weird point in life where we want to try new things. Some of us audition for a play or musical. Some of us try a new sport. But since my motivation to publicly do anything is minimum to none, I have created this blog. I’m a very nostalgic person in the sense that I can’t wait to look back and reflect on how dumb and ridiculous senior year Bailey was. You’ll come to find that I don’t do a lot, but I do think a lot. Feel free to keep updated on my thoughts about life, current events, school, and maybe even you. Be cautious of my severe bluntness and incredible sense of humor. Welcome to My Bailey Life.