20 Things I Learned in 4 Years of Public High School.

1. High School Classes Prepare You For Nothing.

Now I realize this sounds incredibly harsh, but it’s very true. In 20 years you aren’t going to remember the distance formula, or when Napoleon died, or the parts of the plant cell… You’ll remember the life lessons your peers and teachers taught you. It’s important to listen to your teachers to not only pass the class, but for wisdom. Teachers have dealt with a lot of students and they always seem to know exactly the advice to give. So while copying down info about Mark Twain, copy some advice from those who surround you.

2. The Friends You Walked In With Aren’t the Ones You’ll Leave With.

I had a group of friends when I started high school that I swore I would be literal “bff’s” with forever. They were the girls and guys that were over at my house everyday during summer break. I joined the speech team and all of my other friends did things that consumed way less of their times. That’s where my friendship with them faded. Let me be the first to tell you, HIGH SCHOOL CHANGES PEOPLE. You all go off into different sports and activities and suddenly lose time to throw the old fire pits and dance parties like you used to. YOU’RE ALLOWED TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS. If you’re friends with people who can accept that, then you aren’t friends with the right type of people. And if you lose your original friends, then that’s okay. You don’t have to go cut up every picture of them, because it isn’t the memories that change… It’s the people in them.

3. Mental Health Days Are Real

In high school it always seems like mental health is put on the back burner. Since teenagers are so young and so often seen as “complainers”, some don’t see the real problems. You’re allowed to take a day off to let your brain rest. You’re allowed to take a day to feel better about yourself. Breaks are important. 

4. You Don’t Have To Be Popular To Have Fun!

Shocker!! Going into high school I knew I shouldn’t believe everything I see in movies, but in the movies the losers sit at home. Reflecting back to my freshman year, I tried so so hard to fit in. But I grew out of that and had plenty of fun with my plain friends! And it’s weird, in my senior year the prom & homecoming courts weren’t filled with the popular girls I would have expected in 8th grade. And both years I went to prom I saw the popular girls sitting at tables and not dancing. While you might not be out partying every weekend, you can still have fun.

5. Speak Your Beliefs

If you honestly feel like something in your environment is wrong, then speak up. It’s 2016 and more things are being widely accepted, so you should help others to understand. Yes you might get some backlash on Twitter, but I promise that though it may seem like the whole school is against you… A lot of them are with you.

6. Homecoming Is Gross. Prom Is Less Gross.

Avoid the disgusting “twerk train” by forming your own dance circle on the edges of the floor.

7. You Never Truly Outgrow Games

My friends and I range from the ages of 16-19 and we still play “What Are The Odds”, “F**k, Marry, Kill”, and Presidents when we are bored. Fun is fun.

8. Not Crying Doesn’t Equal Not Caring

I walked from class to class on my final day of high school and felt absolutely no sadness. I truly believe that I was ready to leave my high school and pursue my next chapter in life. Keep in mind that I was very heavily involved in my school. I think senior year is so hyped up to be sad, but really you get so many chances to close some chapters and open new ones.

9. Positivity Makeover

It’s a good character trait to have a general positive outlook on life. It is not a good trait when you try to make everything positive. Coming into high school I was such a nice and positive human… Boy did that change. I learned that not everything that happens is good and that you can’t always make the bad into light. Sometimes you have to suck it up and be a realist. Accept the negative. You don’t have to embrace it, but you must accept it.

10. Pics Or It Didn’t Happen

TAKE PICTURES. You’ll want those memories to look back on. Take pictures with your friends. Take pictures of activities. Take pictures to capture the essence of your high school time. You’ll be thankful you did.

11. Literally NO ONE Peer Pressures You To Do Drugs/Alcohol

Trust me I waited. Thanks for nothing DARE.

12. Grades Don’t Determine Your Intellegence

Let the record show that I never did a single piece of math homework at home and I never knew what was truly going on with geometry, but I managed to get a B every year. This is no difference than someone taking a test and failing. Some people get nervous testing and that’s okay. While the ACT is important, it does not necessarily dictate your future. Colleges will look at it once and honestly ACT scores are becoming more and more overlooked. Still, keep your grades up because you can get some sick scholarships.

13. Prepare For Every Climate

My high school was an open campus and you could tell it was raining when kids came in drenched. Always carry an umbrella or jacket. Jackets are incredibly helpful because one classroom is nice, but another feels like the North Pole.

14. “Senioritis” Is So Real

For some it will hit week 2. For others it will hit right after Christmas break. It will hit you. Push through, fam.

15. Relationships & Shits

I personally never stressed about boys. I know girls do, but I was never one. High school relationships are a double edge sword. You may find your true love (it’s not impossible). Or you cause drama. You don’t need a relationship in high school. YOU DONT NEED A DATE TO THE DANCE. My sister went to prom ALONE and won Prom Queen. Be you. High school boys tend to be trash, so be cautious. Do what is healthy for you.

16. You’re Allowed To Stay Home

You don’t have to go out every weekend. You’re allowed to stay in your bed and binge watch Survivor.

17. 4 Quarters Are Better Than 100 Pennies

This is a lesson my debate coach taught me. Basically find a group of a few friends who get you vs a large group that you’re trying to get. You’ll have so much more fun with people who will take late night drives to McDonalds vs those who you can never find plans with.

18. Face The Facts

Honestly no one will notice the pimple that popped up on your chin more than you. Everyone gets acne.

19. Read The Books In English

The books your English teachers assign actually aren’t that bad. Okay I lied… Huckleberry Finn completely blew, but I still read it. Reading classics can be beneficial because you broaden your book list, classics don’t die so your kids could read them, and book questions frequent on trivia nights.

20. These May Not Be The Best 4 Years Of Your Life

And that is OKAY! Not everyone peaks in high school. Maybe some years were better then others. When you look at it now you could recall all the petty fights, drama, and homework… But that’s not what you’ll remember in the future. While these may have not been the most amazing 4 years, it is 4 years that you will remember. I’m not going to sugarcoat it and say “life gets better”, because I’m not sure it does. But life does give you more opportunities and you can make what you want with them. High school may have sucked and that’s okay. 
To the class of 2016: Congrats on making it through 4 years of high school. Some of you will become doctors, some teachers, and some may not amount to anything. That’s okay. You made it through this far and you might as well keep going. So go throw your hats and try not to throw away your future.