
As much as it pains me to admit it, I did use this hashtag. 4 years ago to the day I tweeted 50 wishes (that’s right I haven’t been finishing things for practically my whole life) I had as an incoming freshman in high school. Looking back on these 50 wishes it completely amazes me how much I have changed as a human, but also maybe how much I haven’t changed. I will now go through each wish and write the current status of said wish. Buckle up and prepare for some 9th grade Bailey magic.

  1. To marry my best friend.

This is a very strong start for a 9th grader. I am actually appalled I tweeted this because why the hell was I thinking about marriage in the 9th grade? I didn’t even kiss a male until I was a junior in high school. While it is precious to see myself as a hopeless romantic, it is unbelievable how much my views have changed. I now no longer believe I have to be married. I don’t think I need to sign a paper to prove my love of another human. I know it sounds incredibly feministic, but it’s how I feel. Of course there is the possibility this changes, so I won’t completely count out marriage. I can’t wait to see.

2. To make the high school softball team.

What a positive one! Just weeks before I tweeted this I was actually cut from the high school softball team. While I admire 9th grade Bailey’s positive thinking and persistence, not making the high school softball team changed my high school career for the better. I never played the sport again, but I did find a potential career in speech and theater. I would love to go back and tell myself that in the future the most physical activity you do as a freshman in college is to climb 3 flights of stairs to your Advanced Composition class.

3. To get slimed on Nickelodeon.

I have nothing to say. This would still be incredible.

4. To have my son make it to the Little League World Series.

I can completely tell that I was tweeting all of these while watching the 2012 LLWS. Well surprise! 18 year old Bailey has no desire to have children. And if I get knocked up in the future, I would not force my kids to do an activity. If my son wants to play baseball, cool. If he wants to Speed Stack, even cooler!!

5. To just not have to worry about how I look.

I can’t say that this wish has completely come true, but it has certainly become less of a worry. I still do my makeup, dress nicely, and do my hair, but I only do that for myself to feel like a complete human. I do have times where I don’t brush my hair for days and don’t wear make up. I don’t worry about how I look, but I have learned to do what makes me feel good personally.

6. To own a lake house with (insert 9th grade BFF)

Okay, I still think owning a lake house makes for a pretty epic childhood. I do not think I should own it with my freshman best friend, because we took two very different paths and well… that would be weird.

7. Have a paint fight.

This never came true, but I don’t wish to try to get pain out of my hair.

8. To have the bravery to trust people.

It was at this point in my wish list that I’m frustrated about why I couldn’t wish for cool things like Disneyland or something. Anyway, still don’t trust a lot of people just because no one gives much of a reason to be trusted.

9. To be asked to prom/homecoming in a cute way.

Let me give you a break down of how I was asked to the 3 high school dances I attended.       -11th grade homecoming: I went with my gay best friend because I texted him the day before.                                                                                                                                                                    -11th grade prom: I got asked over the phone by my best friend while I was hanging out with a boy I liked at the time.                                                                                                                         -12th grade prom: I was sitting on the couch with a great friend of mine when he said “should we just go to prom together?”                                                                                                       Needless to say I have complete butterflies thinking about all these super romantic dance proposals.

10. Have a relationship like (insert couple at the time).

Spoiler: they broke up & I’ve barely been in a relationship.

11. To own a teacup pig.

I’d be fine holding on to this wish, but I would much rather have a golden retriever.

12. To know exactly where I am going in life.

THIS IS A WISH I WILL HAVE ALL MY LIFE. And I promise it will never come true. I do believe I have my shit a lot more together than I did when I was a freshman and I will pat myself on the back for that.

13. To not care what people think anymore.

This goes hand in hand with wish #5. It came true. I do things for me and not others approval.

14.To have no drama in high school.

LOL. This did not happen. I was bullied by a group at my high school called the “SuperFans” because I demanded an insulting homophobic football game theme be shut down. I was called a lesbian for weeks and booed at the homecoming assembly and game. However, I won the battle because the theme was demolished. Booyah

15. To be someone who will make a difference when no one else will.

This sort of pertains to the above drama, but this is still a wish I have for myself. I hope that I can continue standing up for things I believe in.

16. To be that person who is nice to everyone.

I would like to say this came true, but now I am a realist who calls people out on their shit.

17. To have someone write me 365 letters like Noah did for Allie.

No, *barfs*

18. To get my nose pierced.


19. Relive the moments where I could’ve done more.

This is pointless and has not come true because time travel still does not exist.

20. To be able to do math without a calculator.

To test his wish I took a quiz where I did long division in my head. I got 5/10… So like it half came true?

21. To break a world record.

I was in an audience where we all broke a record for most people to send the same text at the same time. Chalk that up as one that came true.

22. Hit a home run.


23. To not be afraid of saying what I feel.

This came true. I will say whatever whenever.

24. Ask a guy to prom.

This is one wish that I would have loved to do, but I never got around to it! Don’t be afraid of this ladies!

25. Go out of state with my girls <3.

While I never went with “my girls <3”, I did get to go to Salt Lake City, Utah with 9 of my best friends on my speech and debate team for nationals.

26. To understand football… #ButReallyThough

All I know is that a touchdown is 6 points and you can get one extra with a PAT.

27. Learn to slow dance.

Girl, you can’t slow dance, but you can whip like no other.

28. To have one marriage. And one marriage only.

Please refer back to Wish #1.

29. Have my hair be perfect when I wake up.

Well… I don’t know about perfect, but I learned to braid my hair while it was wet so I could just wake up and not have to brush it. So that’s a win in my mind.

30. Go to England.

Still wishing!

31. That time would slow down.

I’m the opposite now. I wish it would speed up because I cannot wait to be thrown into the real world.

32. Get a good tan.

Still pale.

33. To get through high school with a 4.0.

Close… 3.9!

34. To talk/get followed by/retweeted by Harry Styles.

It is 2016 and One Direction broke up… This wish is dead.

35. That no one would ever be judged.

This will always be a wish of mine. I hope one day we can live in a world where acceptance is something everyone can obtain. While it has not completely come true we have made so much progress in the 4 years after I originally tweeted this wish.

36. To go and watch the World Series.

This one is super cool! While I haven’t gotten to watch the WS happen in person, I did get to watch the Royals win it all in 2015 with my family! I think I can take that as a wish come true.

37. To not be a picky eater.

I am still ordering chicken fingers at 4/10 restaurants I go to.

38. To be able to go to sleep without my thoughts keeping me up.

The only things that keep me up now are the people in my dorm and Netflix. The occasional thought slips in, but I have learned the importance of sleep.

39. To never be the stereotypical girl.

I don’t think I am your average girl, but that’s the kind of thing usually said by an average girl. The human I am is one that I am decently happy with, so I am content.

40. To be the cool mom.

I have no kids or the desire to have them. This one is pending.

41. To die completely happy.

Well I haven’t died yet, so I will keep you posted.

42. Be known in high school.

I get lots of likes and retweets on my Twitter, so I think I did this one justice.

43. To understand guys… #SeriouslyThough

I have finally learned that it’s not trying to understand males as a group, but males individually. There are certain people who make it hard to get them, but I won’t subject all boys to that.

44. For everyone to know they can come to me when no one will listen.

I’m still a very open listener, but I am not that great of an advice giver. The offer still stands though!

45. To turn my life around starting now. I will be a change in the world.

This is bold and totally still pending. I just started taking my own trash out. Baby steps.

46. To never miss church.

Awkward. Not only did I stop going to church, but I no longer practice any religion. Wacky.

47. To not be perfect… But perfect for someone else.

I am so glad that 18 year old me is so proud that I no longer care about what other people think. I am not perfect, but I definitely feel no need to be perfect for another human.

48. To have a softball field named after me.

This one is dumb and I can tell I was running out of wishes.

49.  Teach underprivileged girls to play softball.

This would be cool if I hadn’t have quit. Cute thought though.

50. Write a story about my life.

This is still on my wishlist. I can’t wait to share my hilarious misfortunes with an audience of readers. Which is essentially what I do on here. So in a way, this wish is coming true here. How cheesy.



There are the 50 wishes I made on Twitter 4 years ago. While some went in the trash, others came true. I now have less wishes for myself and more goals. Thank you for reading! I WISH you a good day!


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